Tuesday, February 24, 2009


By Capsule Machines.

We brought him to Suntec last friday.. and these were taken outside the Nokia care centre. Well, why we had to go there - Don't ask why or how it happened, he was playing with Jeff's phone till we heard a kiak sound and tah dah. 2 of the keypad buttons CAME OFF!! OMG.

One button was still sort of 'stuck' outside his mouth.. with the saliva while the other, jeff managed to dig it out!

Here, he's testing see if he can get anything from the machines...
And when someone came along, he quickly hurried over to 'see' what they got!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so cute!! kpo...my kid will do that too. haha...

this is my link http://pinkyllicious.wordpress.com