Friday, July 10, 2009


When i signed Travis up for school, I wondered if it was too early. I wondered if he would be 'very poor thing' as described by mom and MIL. I wondered if he will be able to sleep well. I wondered if he will be able to eat well. I wondered if he would cry. I wondered if he would be bullied. Never ending wonders. OR should i say WORRIES. Now, I truly understand why parents will never stop worrying for their children the moment they are born. Small to big, worry this worry that.

Anyways, some updates of Travis at school. He has been coping Very Very well. He no longer Cries badly when we leave him at school, just whine a little here and there. His form teacher says he is very participative at outdoor play and is very happy at music and song time (he will dance and even march around the room with the others). He is also willing to eat at the same table with other kids now. I am so happy to hear how school has changed him. Jeff will drop him every morning, and try to wait till his fav teacher comes before he leaves. we noticed that he doesn't really like (haven't get used to her yet i guess) the morning shift teacher, so he will tend to cry when she carries him and separates him from Jeff. I guess that is normal. Afterall, she teaches the K1 and K2s and travis doesn't see her much except in the mornings. I look forward to the day he accepts her.

Received Eton's newsletter update today and I am so glad to see travis's photos and how he has been enjoying himself! These days, when I go pick him up, he is always smiling and waves bye to teachers. HE has also learnt to say more words now, as his teacher points out that they will encourage them to talk rather than point and make noises.

Here's some of his picts, that i've cut out from the newsletter. I am so going to look forward to their newsletter, which is a bi weekly thing. haha. At least i know what travis has been doing.

That is his photo that is outside his room door. haha. ugly hor.

Here is one that shows one of the activities, they make their own snack using pretzel sticks (teachers will teach them some counting) and using orange mamalade (teachers will teach them colours) on the butter roll (teachers will teach them shape - circle) and then they will eat and enjoy. How fun it must have been for him.

1 comment:

Kiros & Kicia said...

i feel happy for you seeing that Travis is coping.and enjoying.

school has made a better 'man'...