Saturday, June 14, 2008


OppS! i just realised it's been 1 wk since i posted updates to his blog. It's been so fast, school holidays are coming to an end sooo quickly! I can barely remember how it started. haha..

Wells, here's some photos of the littl emonster. he's getting more and more monstrous lately. think we've pampered him tooo much! EAT must WATCH TV, eat must feed fast fast hais. All the different bad patterns emerging.

Look at him.. cautious of everytihng we give to him. YET he TAKES everytihng he can! haha his toothbrush. acts like a teether!

Funny expressions. you just can't bring yourself to scold him!
Acting macho. getting more difficult to carry him! twist turn left right sudden movements!

trying to be funny here. hahaha playing the genius at work! look at his expressions when he finally got his hands on the laptop!

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