Monday, January 19, 2009

The second playdays lesson...

Opps, I just realised. haha No updates in a week! Well, u can expect this loh, cause school has started and not much time at home to take his pictures! :)

Here's some photos to share for Travis's second lesson at playdays. Seems like this will be a weekly update ehs? HA! He didn't seem to enjoy himself as much as the last lesson but it's probably - well I HOPE IT IS, due to the fact that he just got up from his nap in the car and not fully AWAKE to enjoy the lesson.

Nevertheless, the fruit that they learnt last week was WATERMELON! and he loooves the watermelon juice. heheI love it too! too bad it's a nono for me right now. :)


And here's a Video on the art activity that they did:

And after the art activity and after washing up, here's Travis and Javier in a FIGHT! well, they are gentle boys la. so no fight. heh but so funny to hear them shout at each other! Javier, u need to be a little more fierce la... and I just realised you are copying Travis by CRAWLING! hha!!

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