Monday, February 2, 2009

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo....

We Went to the ZOO. With Javier and family on Friday.

Here's some wonderful pictures. Managed to get leave to take care of him as MIL went to pray and Javier's parents decided to take leave too, so we headed for the ZOO! - planned this sometime in dec but Javier was SICK! so postphoned till NOW.

At the entrance
HE looks like his dad doesn't he? so sad ... haha. JAvier's playing Peekaboo.. haha So cute.

Travi s Looooves the fishes MOST.
And finally WATER PLAY!!!
Finally, time to go. Jeff's all wet! haha!

1 comment:

Blessed_Child said...

When Matt go to zoo that time he also only love to see fish.. :P
